Winter is often a season associated with cosying up indoors in front of the open fire, but for passionate anglers and culinary enthusiasts, it can be the perfect time to embrace the unique joys of winter fishing and cooking. Just because the weather has turned, doesn’t mean we have to put our rods away and hibernate – instead it’s time to embark on thrilling fishing adventures and savour delicious recipe creations.
As the temperature drops, so do the crowds at our favourite fishing spots. Winter provides us with a unique opportunity to experience the serenity of nature while casting our lines. Whether you’re exploring the rugged coastlines of Australia or the picturesque lakes of New Zealand, there are many untapped adventures to be had.

The cooler months can often be testing and present challenges that require us to adapt techniques and strategies. The fish generally tend to be less active and more sluggish in cold water, making it a test of skills to entice them to bite. Trialling different lures can be fun in luring the fish! In saying that, some species become more active, such as trout and have feeding patterns that are triggered by colder temperatures, which can lead to more opportunities to catch them. It is incredibly rewarding when you succeed in catching fish despite the harsh conditions and potential frost bite, ha!
I do love the idea of winter fishing, rugging up with beanies, scarves, gloves and warm jackets, hot chocolate and coffee in the flasks, the romantic setting of being in the boat on the lake at first light, with the morning mist rising around you, ducks paddling by and birds singing above…. However, the reality of this dream is far from the truth and most definitely is not how they make it look in the movies! It is absolutely and undeniably freezing- bloody freezing! You cannot feel your fingers nor your toes, the tip of your nose feels as though it’s about to fall off and you can’t wear the lovely warm gloves as you end up fumbling with the fishing gear. Yet, you still convince yourself that it is going to be worth it when you finally catch something. And let me tell you, it is ‘oh so worth it’ when that happens! Now, don’t get me wrong, not every trip will result in success, so on those days it’s wise to head to the nearest café and thaw out with a cooked breaky, but on the days you do succeed, suddenly you are warmed to the core with exhilaration.

Some of our greatest trout catches have been in the colder months, and caught on spinners and small hard body lures. Spinmax lures are one to check out if you haven’t already.
Once you’ve reeled in your prized catch, it’s time to turn your attention to the kitchen and explore your recipe options.
Let’s continue to talk trout. For me, you can’t go past the good old smoker for trout fillets. Many people take their smoked food very seriously, but I’m quite happy with the trusted nipper kipper. A small, portable smoker oven that will have hot smoked trout on your cheese platter in under 30 minutes (excluding prep time that is).

The key to the perfect smoked trout is all in the brine/marinade! You really want to have your fish marinading for a minimum of 6 hours, but ideally overnight is best. Through trial and error, I have found that a heavily seasoned marinade works well if you aren’t one to want to wait the full 12 hours. So, if you’ve caught your fish in the morning, this recipe will have it on the table for dinner.
A good marinade or brine requires a balance of water, salt, and sugar. The general rule of thumb is 1x tablespoon of salt and sugar to every cup of water. Now depending on the type of ingredients you chose, will vary with quantities required. Think of it as fun science experiment in the kitchen!
And given this blog is a winter edition, then comfort food is on the menu. Pasta and smoked trout were made for each other, the delicate, smoky richness of the trout beautifully enhances the mildness of pasta, and this simple recipe creates flavours that are both comforting and sophisticated, making them a truly delightful pairing. Perfect for any ‘wannabe’ food snob or to simply impress your family and friends with a surprisingly quick and easy dish!
Stay warm, and till next time,
From river to plate or sea to fork,

Meet Cara
When she’s not out in the rivers or cooking up a storm on Instagram, Cara works as an ambassador for Women in Recreational Fishing and Boating (WIRFAB) - an organisation focused on encouraging women and kids to explore the joy of fishing.
Cara can be found on Instagram and Facebook.