Fishing is all about balance. Match your mainline to the size and style of your rod and reel. Match the weight of your leader to your mainline, target species and environment. Match the size of your hook or lure to your leader. And lastly, match the size of your hook to the size of your bait.
At every stage of your gear set up, consider what species you’re targeting, what fishing style you’re using and what environment you’re fishing in. Set yourself up for success by using a balanced gear set up.
If you’re landbased fishing (off a pier, wharf or jetty), an 8’3” rod is the ideal length. It aids in casting line control, jig action and most importantly, it’ll give you a better hook up rate. The action of these longer rods allows you to cast further and are designed to give your jig a more natural movement in the water. They’re also designed to act like a shock absorber and won’t rip the jig out of the squid when it lunges.
Our GLADIUS® Squid rods are purpose built for New Zealand and Australian conditions. The light medium and medium actions produce the perfect amount of "whip" when casting squid jigs, allowing for longer casts to hit your targets.
If you're fishing off the boat, our shorter 7'4" GLADIUS® Squid rod is ideal. It still delivers the right amount of control, casting distance and sensitivity, but the shorter length means you're less likely to snag the boat when you're casting.
A 2500-3000 reel is more than adequate, and reels with a shallower spool are ideal for braid and long distance casting.

Casting distance is vital when fishing from a stationary position i.e. a wharf or anchored boat. Hyperglide® 13x Braid delivers a longer, smoother cast due to its round structure and fine diameter.
Longer casts allow you to hit targets that are further away and to simply cover more ground with each cast.
The ‘Tekapo Blue’ colour of the braid, combined with the fine diameter and round structure, offer a more natural lure presentation, and fall through the water column with less resistance than bulkier, flatter braids.


When fishing inclear water, fluorocarbon leader is the ideal choice for targeting squid. This is because fluorocarbon has the same light refracting properties as water, so in clean water it is nearly invisible. We recommend using 10lb – 12lb Fluorocarbon or Supple Fluorocarbon leader.
In slightly murkier or dirty water, clear fluorocarbon will stand out as a single line, and will likely detract the squid from approaching. Therefore using a pink leader is recommended because it blends into the water as pink and red are the first colour spectrums to disappear under the water’s surface.
Our Ultra Pink Deception (mono) leader in either 10lb or 12lb, has an outer gloss coating which makes it less reflective in water, and is extremely supple for natural lure presentation.


Always consider the size of the jig you’re using, as well as the colour. Match the size of your jig to the size of the squid you’re targeting.
Early in the season, the squid will be smaller, so use smaller 2.0 and 2.5 jigs. Later in the season, you’ll encounter bigger squid so fishing with 3.0 and 3.5 size jigs is recommended.
Ensure you carry a good selection of squid jigs to test out what colours and sizes are working on the day.
You can combine our Squid Snatchers® with our spiral squid snaps, for fast and easy jig changes.